Our vision is to plant churches all along the ‘L’ of the Chicago subway system. So this means that each line of the system would be a family of churches networking together, helping each other with various mission projects and outreaches, and sharing members and leaders with one another.
The first church of this vision, Church in the Loop, was established on St. Patrick's Day in March of 2013. It is located in the heart of downtown Chicago on the south side of the Loop at 24 E. Congress Parkway (Hostelling International, 2nd Floor) near the Jackson Red Line stop. Sunday services start at 11:00 a.m. and last about an hour.
The first church of this vision, Church in the Loop, was established on St. Patrick's Day in March of 2013. It is located in the heart of downtown Chicago on the south side of the Loop at 24 E. Congress Parkway (Hostelling International, 2nd Floor) near the Jackson Red Line stop. Sunday services start at 11:00 a.m. and last about an hour.