These are the core beliefs of Church in the Loop:
1. One God (The Trinity):
We believe in one God who eternally exists in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All coexist as One, sharing the same essence:
- The Father reaches out to all people
- The Son provides redemption through the cross and resurrection
- The Holy Spirit helps Christians to grow in their faith journey
2. The Bible as God’s Word:
The Bible is God's Word to us and is completely trustworthy. While it may not tell us everything, it does provide us with sufficient information and guidance for us to know and love God more. Therefore, we seek to understand it and be strengthened in our faith by it as we follow Jesus.
3. Jesus Christ as the Only Way:
Jesus was God coming down to Earth to live as an actual human being in absolute perfection and holiness. He fulfilled every expectation of God for the human race in His life, and then in His death on the cross, died as a perfect substitution for our sins. Jesus paid the penalty we all owe to God's infinite demands of Justice, allowing us to live an eternal life. His resurrection proves Jesus was and is our Lord and Savior.
4. Everyone is a Rebel (Sinner):
Because of humankind's broken nature, we all need God's forgiveness through Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit gives us a new spiritual heart that longs to live for God and help those around us.
5. We are Made for God’s Glory:
When we live for ourselves, it brings brokenness and greed. When we live for God, we yearn to be more like Jesus with acts of love and kindness to a world in need. This brings glory to God!
6. Everyone MATTERS TO GOD:
Everyone is made in the image of God and thus has eternal worth and identity. There is no person who is more important than others -- we all stand in equal need of God's saving grace through Jesus Christ.
Everyone will stand before God and be held accountable for how they responded to God in their life. Those who embrace Jesus Christ as their Savior will spend eternity with him.